Our Hunaja Hetke customers often wonder why the honey has a label not for children under one year old? and some customers even think that honey is dangerous for older children or pregnant women, although this is NOT the case. There is one case in Norway where a child is suspected to have died FOREIGNERS obtained from honey Clostridium botulinum case. Because of this, Finland wanted to put a mark on honey not less than one year old. Finnish honey companies that bring foreign honey to the Finnish market have been influential. This also often surprises foreign buyers, because in many countries, honey in a jar does not have this label.
Clostridium botulinum is a life-threatening bacterium that produces a nerve toxin that is very dangerous for humans. At worst, infection can cause death. What does bacteria cause to a child under one year old? Under one year old, the intestinal flora has not yet developed, so the child is at risk of getting infant botulism. For this reason, honey is not recommended for children under one year of age. So it is true that Clostridium botulinum is very dangerous. Fortunately for us, it's really great how in Finland it is safe to eat clean food thanks to high food technology and know-how. Which is already telling, also how few serious food poisonings there are in Finland or Clostridium infections caused by the botulinum bacterium.
in Finland botulism is very rare. Individual cases of food poisoning botulism have been found in 1999, 2006, 2009 and 2011. Botulism is an infectious disease that must be monitored and even suspicions must be reported. That is, if there is even the slightest doubt that the cause of food poisoning is botulism, it is necessary to make a report. Because the subject mostly deals with Clostridium botulinum via honey, it is great to note that none of the aforementioned cases Clostridium botulinum infection is not caused by honey.
The source of infection is most typically a vacuum-packed or fermented product or canned food of meat, vegetable or fish origin. The botulism bacterium infects food due to poor storage, too high a temperature or poor handling. In Finland, food is often processed and, for example, pasteurized, which kills possible bacteria.
In honey, as in other foodstuffs, it is particularly important that when processing foodstuffs, the manufacturer has sufficient expertise and know-how to process the foodstuffs for sale to customers. We at Hunaja Hetke want to produce only high-quality honey, so we have invested in food facilities from the beginning and process our honey in food-approved facilities. This means that the premises are designed for food processing and processing, which makes it easy for us to take care of the cleanliness of the premises and the high-quality processing of honey. A hobbyist can make 2500 kilos of honey before he needs to make honey in food facilities.
THIS PUBLICATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED HONEY FOR CHILDREN UNDER 1 YEAR OLD, this publication tells what is Clostridium botulinum and why there is a warning in honey not for children under one year old. In addition, in the post we want to point out that for us at Hunaja Hetke, knowledge about food and awareness of risks and minimizing risks are particularly important. We want to produce only the best quality for ourselves and our customers, and that's why we have invested especially in hygiene in our production from the beginning. In addition, Jemina is studying Bio and food engineering and has worked in the production of high-risk foods.
Many customers know that honey is antibacterial and that's why it doesn't spoil easily, which is true, but what the environment and untidy/impractical premises can cause in food production is important to take into account. Among other things, foreign objects getting into honey and so on.
You can read more information: https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/elintarvikkeet/ohjeita-kuluttajille/ruokamyrkytykset/ruokamyrkytyksia-aiheuttavia-bakteereja/clostridium-botulinum/